We Did It!

We Did It!

Hooray! High Fives! Kudos! Congrats!  We have met our goal to provide a one week interactive arts camp to teens and adults with special needs this Summer!  I can’t express how grateful I am to EACH person that has given to our cause.  Not only that, but through...
$200 To Go!

$200 To Go!

Thank you ALL for getting us to the $1800 mark!  We have been so touched by everyone’s generosity that we have one final giveaway, and it’s AWESOME.  Dave Medin, a sports artist, contacted me a few days back and asked if he could support our camp with a...
Half Way There!

Half Way There!

First things first. Thank you for your overwhelming support of the Under the Sea Camp! We are officially at the half-way point towards meeting our goal of $2,000.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude not only for your financial support but all the kind words of support...
We Did It!

Under The Sea Update #2

Hot off the presses, the Under The Sea Flyer is HERE and you are the FIRST to see it!!!  I’m hopeful that this flyer will do the trick in recruiting campers for our Under the Sea extravaganza!  Thank you to Kellie’s husband, James for creating this...