It’s hard to believe a year has already come and gone. It has been so much fun sharing Garfoose Groove-Along videos with my husband, talking about the importance of advocacy, sharing app reviews and songs for the months. Starting a blog has taught me so much about myself and helped me to refine my passion for the work that I do both off and online.
In that spirit, I can’t wait to share the next phase of the Groovy Garfoose with you over the course of this 2nd year of blogging. You can look forward to many more app reviews, a new app page with reviews listed by title, along with more songs for the months, guest posts and a new collection of original songs for kids of all ages. And best of all, I can’t wait to roll out the brand new look to the Groovy Garfoose page this Fall. =)
Here’s to another year of blogging, sharing, learning and growing as a music therapist, business owner and person! And thank you for reading, commenting and supporting the Groovy Garfoose for year one.
And what would a birthday celebration be without a little music, right!? Here is my all time favorite birthday song, with a few lyric changes to make it appropriate for clients. I still remember the day I heard this song LIVE at my first Walt Disney parade when I was 6 years old!
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