I’m so excited to announce the MT #Techtips blog series here at GG! Technology has been a HUGE part of my journey as a music therapist. Each week I will share a video, resource, tutorial, app review or technology tip that I have found useful in keeping my music therapy practice and my business in tip-top technology shape! Stay in the technology loop by subscribing to GG here.
Every music therapist, at one time or another, (and maybe as recent as last night or this morning!?) has had to search the interwebs for lead sheets. This week’s MT #techtip is a video tutorial of how to cut and paste lead sheets exactly as they appear on your favorite website directly into Microsoft Word. Click play below to learn this time-saving tip! Oh, and for you iPad enthusiasts, there’s a time-saving BONUS tip at the end of the video just for you.
Are you looking for apps for music therapy AND want to receive CMTE credits for your time? Hop on over to Music Therapy Ed and watch the preview video for my new iPad CMTE course in which I review 100’s of apps appropriate for music therapy! To learn how you can use the iPad to enhance your clients growth and potential in music therapy click here.