This summer, we are leading music therapy & enrichment groups surrounding the theme of “The Elements.” Each week we are sharing interventions & experiences that utilize songs that mention Earth, Wind, Fire, & Water.
We just finished a successful first week, and wanted to share an “Earth” intervention that exercises motor, social, and cognitive skills.
Carole King’s hit I Feel The Earth Move is a great song to piggyback. Paired with each group member playing maracas, I played a live version with these lyrics:
I feel the earth move under my feet,
I feel the sky tumbling down
Play the maraca under your feet
Play it all around
I then asked different group members to choose how they wanted to play, to practice choice-making and promote creativity & leadership. Instead of under their feet, they chose fast, slow, around, etc.
Other songs we used this week were “I’d Like to Teach the World To Sing,” “We Are the World,” and “What a Wonderful World.”
Stay tuned to hear about our favorite “Air” interventions on the next blog post.