Congratulations Dee! The paining will be autographed by Dirk and on it’s way to you soon. =) A HUGE thank you to the talented Dave Medin for painting this masterpiece and donating his talents to our little camp. I didn’t know my hubby could look so good in paint! I know I’ve said it already, but again, thank you to everyone who gave to help us reach our goal….can’t wait for the Summer!
Speaking of, Summer will be here before you know it, so keep it tuned to the Groovy Garfoose blog as I share updates on our preparations for camp. And those updates begin right now! GO!
Interested in being a part of the camp??? =) Teens and adults ages 13+ with special needs are invited to participate in the camp. Please be sure to contact me at for more info on dates, times and to register.
Are you looking to have a fun week helping others this Summer??? =) Then we need YOU! We are looking for compassionate and caring individuals 16+ who would like to volunteer their talents and time to assist our campers. No experience necessary. If you are interested in helping our campers have an AWESOME week of Wet-n-Wild fun, contact me for more details at
Thanks and have a groovy weekend everyone!