Updates to Ohio Waivers
As of July 1, 2022 The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities has made some changes to the Waivers for people living in Ohio with developmental disabilities. We are excited for these changes across the board because it increases the amount of funding to these folks but these changes also provide more control over how their waiver funding is being used. Below is an informative video overview of these changes.
What do these changes mean for access to Music Therapy?
People living with developmental disabilities with a Level 1 Waiver, now have access to Participant Directed Goods and Services (up to $2,500 per waiver span). This means that music therapy services can now be reimbursed through PDGS on the Level 1 Waiver!
People living with developmental disabilities WITHOUT a Waiver through the DODD still have access to Family Supports Funding through the county that can be used for music therapy services. At the Groovy Garfoose, we have had success billing Music Therapy Services through Summit County FEP (Family Engagement Program), Lake County FSS (Family Support Services), Cuyahoga County Family Supports and Supplemental Funds Programs, and Family Supports Services of Portage County.
Do you accept any other funding sources for Music Therapy at The Groovy Garfoose?
Yes, we sure do! You can learn more about all the funding sources we accept for music therapy services at The Groovy Garfoose, LLC here. And if you have questions, please give us a call at 440-252-2822 for a FREE phone consultation so we can support you in gaining access to music therapy services.