2020. What. A. Year. If you’re like me, you’re ready for some positivity. A fresh start. A healthy world. Normalcy. Of any kind, at this point. While I wish I had a crystal ball and could snap my fingers to heal the world, I cant. BUT…I CAN share how I’ve been grounding myself in the day to day of uncertainty. And that something is meditation. Particularly, Manifest Meditation as I like to call it. Sounds fancy and woo woo, but I promise, it’s not. 😉
Meditation, in my experience, is actively slowing down your mind and your body. Meditation can bring you many positive outcomes including relaxation, rest, clarity and peace. And regular meditation can have lasting effects on your deep understanding of yourself, others and the world around you. In my experience, meditation has helped me feel grounded, centered, more patient, more empathetic and more focused throughout my day.
Manifest Meditation, as I like to call it, is utilizing meditation as a tool to dream, hope and think positively about the future you want to curate for yourself and the world around you. Simple enough, right? The beauty of meditation is that there’s no wrong way to meditate. What you meditate on or manifest is up to you. So dream BIG. Fill your true self up with HOPE. Be KIND and POSITIVE to yourself.
A few things that have helped me lock in when I want to manifest during meditation are to:
- Fine a quiet space. Easier said that done in a pandemic, I realize. I like to meditate when my son takes a nap. I know it’s going to be quiet and I can focus on ME. I also silence my devices so I don’t get distracted by beeps and bops!
- Listen to music. Duh! Of course I would recommend this. 🙂 Select music that you enjoy and fills you with happiness.
- Get comfortable. Whether your standing, sitting or laying down, you want your body and mind to relax.
- Set a goal. Setting a goal for your meditation before you start can help you “manifest” (see what I did there?!) what you need. The goal could be simple, “I want to relax” or “I want to take time for me” or “I want to think positively about my day/week/year”.
- Journal or share your experience. There’s something to be said for journaling or sharing your positive experiences. It not only solidifies how you are reaching your goals, but it can change your outlook completely.
Sounds easy enough, right?! Starting something new is always the biggest challenge. So, stop what you’re doing right now. And take 3-minutes to do something for YOU. Click the video below to enjoy this 3-minute manifest meditation I’ve created for you. I hope you’ll try it and feel empowered to manifest positivity for yourself today.