How is Music Therapy Used for Wellness?
Music therapy is used as a catalyst to accomplish many goals, such as movement, communication, and socialization. Wellness is often overlooked and is an important goal in our daily lives.
Music therapy for wellness is used to positively manage physical well-being, through exercise, pain management, and stress reduction, and promote our mental well-being through relaxation, self-expression, and creativity.
Examples of using music for wellness are creating and iso-principle playlist or positive affirmation drumming.
Where Can I Find Music Therapy for Wellness?
Not sure how to use these techniques on your own? We are proud to be partnering with Akron-Summit County Public Library to provide a six-week session of FREE music therapy for wellness classes. No need to commit to six weeks – you can come to all or just pop in for one! We want to share the power of music as a tool for wellness with YOU. Call the library’s Science and Technology Division at 330-643-9075 to register.
More questions about music therapy? Click here to contact us.