Believe it or not, there’s even an app for the Blue Challenge put out by my friends at the Music Sparks blog! Laura and Joann challenged us to post about something blue and I have the perfect app that uses many lovely shades of blue.
Cost: $3.99
Read the Reviews: iTunes Preview
Description: Bloom allows you to create beautiful melodies by just tapping the screen. When you tap the screen, you not only create music, but create colorful circle art on the screen. Bloom gives you the option to create your own melody or listen/watch it play by itself. See the sample video below to experience auto play. Choose from 12 different moods and 3 different timbres.
Music Therapy Goals: Relaxation, relaxation, relaxation! I have used this app with patients in the hospital as a means of choice and control during relaxation and as a ‘cool down’ at the end of sessions with my special needs clients.
Sample Video: