by GG Team | Feb 22, 2019 | App Reviews, iPad
Technology is ever growing, which means it’s become more accessible to many. I have found it to be essential for planning, practicing, session time, and as a tool to share with our clients that can be utilized at home. Below you will find two of my favorite apps that... by Bonnie Hayhurst | Sep 30, 2013 | App Reviews, iPad, MT Technology Tips, There's An App For That
Technology has been a HUGE part of my journey as a music therapist. Each week I will share a video, resource, tutorial, app review or technology tip that I have found useful in keeping my music therapy practice and my business in tip-top technology shape! Stay in the...
by Bonnie Hayhurst | Sep 23, 2013 | iPad, MT Technology Tips
Technology has been a HUGE part of my journey as a music therapist. Each week I will share a video, resource, tutorial, app review or technology tip that I have found useful in keeping my music therapy practice and my business in tip-top technology shape! Stay in the...
by Bonnie Hayhurst | Sep 16, 2013 | iPad, MT Technology Tips
Technology has been a HUGE part of my journey as a music therapist. Each week I will share a video, resource, tutorial, app review or technology tip that I have found useful in keeping my music therapy practice and my business in tip-top technology shape! Stay in the...
by Bonnie Hayhurst | Oct 26, 2012 | iPad
On Tuesday Apple announced the arrival of the iPad 4 and the iPad mini. If you are an apple enthusiast like me, you started drooling over the latest and greatest from Apple. In my case, once the drool subsided, I must have sat in front of my computer for an hour... by Bonnie Hayhurst | Feb 20, 2012 | iPad, Online Music Therapy Conference, There's An App For That
If you were on FB or Twitter this weekend, then you probably saw scads of Music Therapists around the world posting the hashtag #OCMT2012 for the Online Music Therapy Conference which took place over a 24 hour period on February 17-18. This was my first time...