by Bonnie Hayhurst | Apr 30, 2013 | GYR2B Camp
It’s giveaway day here at the Groovy Garfoose and I can wait to share these fabulous prizes with three awesome supporters who donated $25 or more to the Give Your Regards to Broadway fundraiser: runners-up (2): each will receive an autographed Dirk Hayhurst (the...
by Bonnie Hayhurst | Apr 23, 2013 | We're Expanding!
Groovy Garfoose is thrilled to announce that we are expanding! GG is teaming up with LLA, Language Learning Associates to offer music therapy camps for children and teens this Summer 2013. LLA offers a variety of therapies for children through adults including...
by Bonnie Hayhurst | Apr 12, 2013 | GYR2B Camp
The sentiment above can’t express how happy I am to share the good news that we have met our $2000 fundraising goal for the Give Your Regards to Broadway Summer camp! Thanks to all who shared support by tweeting, re-tweeting, Facebooking, emailing and...