Identifying Emotions with “I Got a Feeling”

Identifying Emotions with “I Got a Feeling”

I really enjoy piggyback songwriting when helping clients reach their goals. One of my favorites is teaching emotions through the pop song “I Got a Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas. You can play this as a game with feeling flashcards, or just by singing...
Identifying Emotions with “I Got a Feeling”

Spring into Music Therapy

April showers, bring lots of spring-themed music therapy interventions. Check out some of our favorite ways to incorporate a spring theme into music therapy sessions. Create a Thunderstorm  Try creating a thunderstorm indoors using instruments and body percussion to...
Identifying Emotions with “I Got a Feeling”

Put a Little Love in Your Music Therapy

Love is in the air! Below are some fun ways to incorporate my favorite love songs into your music therapy practice or a fun activity at home with YOUR loved one. Put on some Nat King Cole and practice motor and academic skills by spelling L-O-V-E with your whole body....
Identifying Emotions with “I Got a Feeling”

Olaf The Snowman

To celebrate the first snowfall in Ohio, I rewrote the lyrics to “Frosty the Snowman” today and wanted to share it with all of you!  Almost a year later, my clients are still loving “Let it Go”, “Do You Want To Build A Snowman?”...
Thank YOU, Jason Mraz!

Thank YOU, Jason Mraz!

LOVE is a powerful word. It’s something that should be given freely. It’s why I do what I do. It’s the title of Jason Mraz’s new album. One of my favorite tracks on the album is, “Living In The Moment”.  I have so much LOVE for this...