Change is HARD. This week’s blog post discusses the predictability and structure a social story can create, while highlighting the social story created for the changes instilled in the clinic for reopening!

At the Groovy Garfoose, we value the health and safety of all who we serve. As Ohio continues to lessen restrictions, safety precautions are at the forefront when reopening the clinic. These precautions, such as distance and masks,  model a “new norm” than what many of us have been accustomed to in the past. These drastic changes can be challenging to face and we’ve found social stories very helpful in supporting our clients when preparing for something new and different. 

Social stories can be used for any occasion to create predictability and structure when possible. Below is an example of a social story used as we begin to reopen the clinic and what can be expected as we transition into music together. This social story was created on the app, “Touch Autism,” where you can create personalized stories that can either be digitally shared with others or printed to use as a physical support as well. We hope this story and/or app helps you while transitioning back into our clinic and lifestyles as we navigate through the “new norm.”

Interested in Telehealth Music Therapy?

We are keeping the music going during COVID-19! Contact us today for a free phone consultation to learn more about our virtual music therapy services.