We Did It!

We Did It!

Hooray! High Fives! Kudos! Congrats!  We have met our goal to provide a one week interactive arts camp to teens and adults with special needs this Summer!  I can’t express how grateful I am to EACH person that has given to our cause.  Not only that, but through...
$200 To Go!

$200 To Go!

Thank you ALL for getting us to the $1800 mark!  We have been so touched by everyone’s generosity that we have one final giveaway, and it’s AWESOME.  Dave Medin, a sports artist, contacted me a few days back and asked if he could support our camp with a...

And The Winner Is….

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jekji4TvUWI[/youtube] Thank you to all who donated to our camp!  Because of YOU we are $700 from our goal! Woohoo! A big Garfoosey high-five for the continued support through RT’s, mentions and donations.  We still have a...